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Lone Star Region Division 2 Clinic & Operation Day Hosted by the CCMRC

Saturday, October 22, 2016 10:00am - 06:00pm
Hits : 349

The CCMRC will host a clinic and operating session day on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 10 am. We will start with 3 clinics in the morning and after a break for lunch we will have a Track Warrant Control Operating Session to put in use what we will learn in one of the clinics. Lunch will be served at the club. This event is open to all NMRA members and prospective members for a fee of only $5.00 each. The registration form is below. 

Registration Form for Clinic and Operation day Sat. October 22

The Crescent City Model Railroad Club will host a Division 2 clinic and operating session day on Saturday, October 22, 2016. It will be starting at 10:00AM and features three clinics: Basic Electrical and Electronics for Model Railroading, Wiring for DCC, and Track Warrant Control (TWC) Operations. Division 2 Director Rod Fredericks will be presenting the first two clinics, and Jonathan Esposito the TWC clinic. Following the clinics, lunch will be served featuring jambalaya, French bread, dessert and soft drinks or bottled water. After the lunch break we will have a Track Warrant Control Operating Session to put in use what we will learn in the TWC clinic. This event is open to all NMRA members and prospective members for a fee of only $5.00 each to cover the cost of food & drinks.

Name       _____________________________________________________________________

Address   ______________________________________________________________________    


Contact Number     ______________________________________________________________

Email     _______________________________________________________________________

Club Association   _______________________________________________________________

NMRA #   _____________________________________________________________________

Please mail this form and your $5 registration fee (Cash or check payable to CCMRC) to:


601 North Lester Avenue

Metairie, LA   70003-6131

Thank you and see you Saturday, October 22!

Location : CCMRC Club House
